Meet Brian

Brian (he, they) is a data analytics manager at a company in Seattle. A LARPer since spring of 2011, Brian joined plot for Alliance Seattle in 2012, and hasn’t looked back. He has served as a plot member for several local games, and as an NPC as well. Brian has the heart of a story-teller and is particularly interested in stories about the human element of situations. He wants to tell stories that build empathy by allowing players the chance to explore different ways of being human.

Brian has found LARPing unique as an artform in two important ways: the first, that it puts players IN the experience in a way that no other artform can replicate; and two, that it is fundamentally a collaborative experience. The combination of these things allows for uniquely powerful and uniquely tailored stories to the people involved in them.

Brian is interested in creating and supporting LARPs that use these uniquenesses to support the creation of stories that could exist no other way. Stories whose purpose is framed by the gamerunners, but ultimately determined in collaboration with the players.

Meet Barbara


Meet Barbara, one of the owners of Pulsar Experiences, and get to know thier vision of gaming.

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Meet Brian


Meet Brian, one of the owners of Pulsar Experiences, and get to know his vision of gaming.

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Meet our Game Runners

Learn more about the people running games under the Pulsar Experiences banner.

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Meet Our Players

Hear player testimonials and see what kinds of things are in store for you at a Pulsar Experiences game.

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